Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The News

So yet another of them got engaged. You might think I would be upset, because for awhile there I thought it might have been me who ended up with him, but if anything I'm relieved. And happy for them. This is the fourth time that someone I dated proposed to or married the next person they dated seriously after me. Is it a curse? Or is it a blessing? Does something about dating me make guys want to get serious after I'm out of the picture? For at least a second there I had to wonder whether I was inadequate. But I think the truth is I'm not ready for anything like that. I have so much I want to do and accomplish before I incorporate someone else into my life. Singledom really suits me at the moment. Even if I thought things were serious in the past, lately I've come to realize that I wasn't willing to give enough and try enough to make things work. Because I didn't care enough to put in the effort. As bad as that sounds, I really do think it's true. I think I knew deep down that none of them were the kind of relationships I really wanted. I didn't want to be swept off my feet like every girl deserves, and the exes were certainly not the sweeping type. I think it's good that I've come to terms with this. Because by knowing it, I realize that I should work harder in the future to really give it a go. And hopefully I will. But only if it's worth it, of course. And until I find someone who takes my breath away, I'll just keep on truckin'...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey sweetie,
thanks for your note, that was really sweet. I guess all we have is each other now. I will always be here for you. Let all of playing around out of your system is just the most important thing to do before step in to the next stage of our life. So that's just celebrate our freedom and play harder. HOORAY.